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Coastal Landscape Initiative Gardens workday @ Pine Valley

Coastal Landscape Initiative Gardens workday @ Pine Valley In-Person

In cooperation with New Hanover County Arboretum and N.C. Cooperative Extension, Pine Valley Library installed Coastal Landscapes Initiative demonstration gardens that rely on volunteers and Master Gardeners to keep them beautiful. These gardens showcase native, sustainable plants that you can use in your home landscaping, too. 

Come join us and Master Gardeners to learn about the gardens & plants while helping to prune, weed, deadhead flowers, plant, spread mulch, or whatever the season requires. Please register each month so we can know who to expect (or who to call in case of weather cancellation). Bring your own gardening gloves and any gardening tools you prefer, or you can borrow tools while you're at Pine Valley. 

Expect cancelations in the case of rain. 

Friday, Aug 16th 2024 Show more dates
8:30am - 10:00am
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Pine Valley
  Adult Program     Young Adult Programs  
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