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Space Availability - Main

Select a Library Branch location above.

Choose a date, then click the starting time in green and select an end time in the dropdown below the calendar. Read the Steps to Reserve a Meeting Room document for more instruction. Meeting rooms can only be booked up to 24 hours prior to the meeting, and up to 45 days in advance.  

All meeting rooms are non-refundable and will be applied to your library card account. 

Rates: All bookings are charged a $5.00 Administration Booking Fee. Additional fees may apply - see Meeting Room Policy for more details. 

Did you make a mistake with your booking?

Currently, a temporary hold/lock lasting five minutes is put in place when a user clicks a space but has not yet chosen to delete it. If you have made a mistake in making a reservation, you can finish the reservation and then delete it using the trash can icon. Then, the room should be released almost immediately. If you use the back button to start over, the system will see it as a reservation in progress and the room will be unavailable for five minutes.


   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding